Universität Bonn

Center for Remote Sensing of Land Surfaces (ZFL)

Zentrum für Fernerkundung der Landoberfläche - ZFL
Our projects
ZFL is closely linked to local, national, and international partners. Close collaboration exists with various companies and government agencies in Germany as well as internationally, especially with several African countries
Training Hanbook
Zentrum für Fernerkundung der Landoberfläche - ZFL
Our projects

About Us

The Center for Remote Sensing of Land Surfaces (Zentrum für Fernerkundung der Landoberfläche - ZFL) is an interdisciplinary research center of the University of Bonn in the fields of remote sensing, earth observations, geoinformation sciences and spatial modelling. It has a strong focus on research for sustainable and responsible solutions, training, transfer and capacity building activities.

The ZFL supports the Research Profile Focus on Geomatics at the Department of Geography, especially through an intensive information and capacity exchange with its Remote Sensing Research Group (RSRG).

Fields of Research and Training Activities

  • Mapping of natural disaster risks and impacts (e.g., floods, droughts, wildfires) using remote sensing
  • Remote sensing based spatial monitoring of ecosystems (e.g., wetlands, grasslands, forests)
  • Land-cover (land-use) status mapping and change detection
  • Fusion of optical and radar satellite data in novel remote sensing detection techniques
  • Spatial analyses combining remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS)

Network and collaborations

ZFL is closely linked to local, national, and international partners. Close collaboration exists with various companies and government agencies in Germany as well as internationally, especially with several African countries. ZFL is in close proximity to the UN-Campus Bonn, which triggers fruitful collaboration with different UN Institutions (e.g., UNOOSA/UN-SPIDER; UNU-EHS). In addition to cooperation with other universities, and global research institutions like the Group on Earth Observations (GEO), ZFL built strong bounds to funding agencies such as the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and the European Space Agency (ESA).

Current Projects
Development of  EO-based prototypes and operational services.
 Spaceborne Earth Observation Applications for Emergency Response and Disaster Risk Reduction
Quantitative optical remote sensing methods for monitoring vegetation stress indicators for assessing ecosystem services and wetland health with regard to global sustainability goals  




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