Greve-UN-SPIDER-Team[1].jpgThe team of the UN-SPIDER program at the annual meeting of the 27 Regional Support Offices in Bonn: - Back row third from right: Juan Carlos Villagran De Leon, Head of UN-SPIDER Bonn; first from right: Martin Hiljegerges UN-SPIDER Bonn; front row first from right: Michael Schmidt, Center for Remote Sensing of Land Surfaces at the University of Bonn (ZFL); fourth from right: Adrian Strauch (ZFL), fifth from right: Jonas Schreier (ZFL).
The team of the UN-SPIDER program at the annual meeting of the 27 Regional Support Offices in Bonn: - Back row third from right: Juan Carlos Villagran De Leon, Head of UN-SPIDER Bonn; first from right: Martin Hiljegerges UN-SPIDER Bonn; front row first from right: Michael Schmidt, Center for Remote Sensing of Land Surfaces at the University of Bonn (ZFL); fourth from right: Adrian Strauch (ZFL), fifth from right: Jonas Schreier (ZFL).