Recent Publications
- Predicting plant biomass and species richness in temperate grasslands across regions, time, and land management with remote sensing and deep learning
- Land Under Stress. Earth Observation-Based Drought Risk Monitoring for Sustainable Development
- The Fate of Wetlands. Can the View From Space Help Us to Stop and Reverse Their Global Decline?
- Predicting Species and Structural Diversity of Temperate Forests with Satellite Remote Sensing and Deep Learning
Peer reviewed:
Abdel-Hamid, A.; Dubovyk, O., Greve, K. (2021): The Potential of Sentinel-1 Insar Coherence for Grasslands Monitoring in Eastern Cape, South Africa. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 98.
Cisneros-Araujo, P.; Ramirez-Lopez, M.; Juffe-Bignoli, D.; Fensholt, R.; Muro, J.; Mateo-Sánchez, M.; Burgess, N. (2021): Remote sensing of wildlife connectivity networks and priority locations for conservation in the Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor (SAGCOT) in Tanzania. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation.
Eyshi Rezaei, E.; Ghazaryan, G.; Moradi, R.; Dubovyk, O.; Siebert, S. (2021): Crop harvested area, not yield drives variability in crop production in Iran. Environmental Research Letters.
Reith, J.; Ghazaryan, G.; Muthoni, F.; Dubovyk, O. (2021): Assessment of Land Degradation in Semiarid Tanzania—Using Multiscale Remote Sensing Datasets to Support Sustainable Development Goal 15.3. Remote Sensing. 13. 1754. DOI: 10.3390/rs13091754
Steinbach, S.; Cornish, N.; Franke, J.; Hentze, K.; Strauch, A.; Thonfeld, F.; Zwart, S.; Nelson, A. (2021): A New Conceptual Framework for Integrating Earth Observation in Large-scale Wetland Management in East Africa. Wetlands 41, 93.
Meza, I.; Eyshi Rezaei, E.; Siebert, S.; Ghazaryan, G.; Nouri, H.; Dubovyk, O.; Gerdener, H.; Herbert, C.; Kusche, J.; Popat, E.; Rhyner, J.; Jordaan, A.; Walz, Y.; Hagenloche, M. (2021): Drought risk for agricultural systems in South Africa: Drivers, spatial patterns, and implications for drought risk management. Science of the total Environment 799, 149505.
Peer reviewed:
Ghazaryan G., Dubovyk O., Kussul N. & J. Schellberg (2020): Local Scale Agricultural Drought Monitoring with Satellite-based Multi-sensor Time-series. GIScience & Remote Sensing. 57(5), p.511-524.
Schreier J., Ghazaryan G., Dubovyk O. (2020): Crop-specific phenomapping by fusing Landsat and Sentinel data with MODIS time series. European Journal of Remote Sensing, European Journal of Remote Sensing, 54:sup1, 47-58, DOI: 10.1080/22797254.2020.1831969
Landmann T., Dubovyk O., Ghazaryan G., Kimani J. & E.M. Abdel-Rahman (2020): Wide-area Invasive Species Propagation Mapping is Possible Using Pheno-Metric Trends. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 159, p. 1-12.
Graw V., Ghazaryan G., Schreier J., Gonzalez J., Abdel-Hamid A. Walz Y., Dall K., Post J., Jordaan A. & O. Dubovyk (2020): Timing Is Everything – Drought Classification For Risk Assessment. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, p. 428-433.
Akinyemi F., Ghazaryan G. & O. Dubovyk (2020): Assessing UN Indicators of Land Degradation Neutrality and Proportion of Degraded Land Over Botswana Using Remote Sensing Based National Level Metrics. Land Degradation & Development.
Heinemann, S., Siegmann B., Thonfeld F., Muro J., Jedmowski C., Kemna A., Kraska T., Muller O., Schultz J. , Udelhoven T. et al. (2020): Land Surface Temperature Retrieval for Agricultural Areas Using a Novel UAV Platform Equipped with a Thermal Infrared and Multispectral Sensor. Remote Sensing, 12(7), p. 1075.
Muro, J., Zurita-Arthos, L., Jara J., Calderón E., Resl R., Rienow A. & V. Graw(2020): Earth Observation for Settlement Mapping of Amazonian Indigenous Populations to Support SDG7. Resources, 9(8), p. 97.
Muro, J., Varea, A., Strauch A., Guelmami A., Fitoka E., Thonfeld F., Diekkrüger B. & B. Waske (2020): Multitemporal optical and radar metrics for wetland mapping at national level in Albania. Heliyon, 6(8).
Thonfeld, F., Steinbach, S., Muro, J. and Kirimi, F. (2020): Long-Term Land Use/Land Cover Change Assessment of the Kilombero Catchment in Tanzania Using Random Forest Classification and Robust Change Vector Analysis. Remote Sensing, 12(7), p. 1057.
Thonfeld, F., Steinbach, S., Muro, J., Hentze, K., Games I., Näschen K. & P.F. Kauzeni (2020): The impact of anthropogenic land use change on the protected areas of the Kilombero catchment, Tanzania. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 168, pp. 41–55.
Weise, K., Höfer, R., Franke, J., Guelmami, A., Simonson, W., Muro, J., O’Connor, B., Strauch, A., Flink, S., Eberle, J., Mino, E., Thulin, S., Philipson, P., Van Vvalkengoed, E., Truckenbrodt, J., Zander, F., Sánchez, A., Schröder, C., Thonfeld, F., Fitoka, E., Scott, E., Ling, M., Schwarz, M., Kunz, I., Thürmer, G., Plasmeijer, A., & L. Hilarides. (2020): Wetland extent tools for SDG 6.6.1 reporting from the Satellite-based Wetland Observation Service (SWOS). Remote Sensing of Environment, 247, p. 111892
Peer reviewed:
Muro, J., Strauch, A., Fitoka, E., Tompoulidou, M. & F. Thonfeld (2019): Mapping wetland dynamics with SAR-based change detection in the cloud. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 1–4.
Dimov, D., Löw, F., Uhl, J. H., Kenjabaev, S., Dubovyk, O., Ibrakhimov, M. & C. Biradar (2019): Framework for agricultural performance assessment based on MODIS multitemporal data. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 13(2), 1-31, 31.
Akinyemi, F. O. & B. J. Abiodun (2019): Potential impacts of global warming levels 1.5 °C and above on climate extremes in Botswana. Climatic Change.
Akinyemi, F. O., Ikanyeng, M. & J. Muro (2019): Land cover change effects on land surface temperature trends in an African urbanizing dryland region. City and Environment Interactions, 4.
Santos F., Graw V. & S. Bonilla (2019): A geographically weighted random forest approach for evaluate forest change drivers in the Northern Ecuadorian Amazon. PLoS ONE 14(12): e0226224.
Conference Papers:
Siebert, S., Cornish, N., Döll, P. Dubovyk, O., Engels, O., Eyshi-Rezaei, E., Gerdener, H., Gonzalez, J., Graw, V., Hagenlocher, M., Herbert, C., Kusche, J., Landmann, T., Meza, I., Nouri, H., Popat, E. & D. Rupp (2019): GlobeDrought – towards improved drought risk analysis and projection at global and regional scales. GRoW – Water as a global resource.
Reichhuber, A., Gerber, N., Mirzabaev, A., Svoboda, M., López Santos, A., Graw, V., Stefanski, R., Davies, J., Vuković, A., Fernández García, M.A., Fiati, C. & X. Jia (2019): The Land-Drought Nexus: Enhancing the Role of Land-Based Interventions in Drought Mitigation and Risk Management. A Report of the Science-Policy Interface. United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), Bonn, Germany.
Books and Book Chapters:
Graw V., Dubovyk O., Duguru M., Heid P., Ghazaryan G., Villagran De Leon J., Post J., Szarzynski J., Tsegai D. & Y. Walz (2019): Chapter 9 - Assessment, monitoring, and early warning of droughts: the potential for satellite remote sensing and beyond. In: (eds.): E. Mapedza, D. Tsegai, M. Bruntrup & R Mcleman, Current Directions in Water Scarcity Research, Elsevier, Volume 2, 2019: 115-131, ISSN 2542-7946, ISBN 9780128148204 ,
Peer reviewed:
Walz, Y.; Dall, K.; Graw, V.; Villagran de Leon, J.C.; Haas, S.; Kussul, N. & A. Jordaan (2018): Understanding and reducing agricultural drought risk: Examples from South Africa and Ukraine, Policy Report No. 3.; Bonn: United Nations University – Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS).
Falk, U., Silva-Busso, A. & P. Pölcher (2018): A simplified method to estimate the run-off in Periglacial Creeks: a case study of King George Islands, Antarctic Peninsula. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 20170166.
Meredith, M. P., Falk, U., Bers, A. V., Mackensen, A., Schloss, I., Barlett, E. R., Jerosch, K., Silva-Busso, A. & D. Abele (2018): Anatomy of a glacial meltwater discharge event in an Antarctic Cove. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 20170163.
Falk, U., López, D. & A. Silva-Busso (2018): Multi-year analysis of distributed glacier mass balance modelling and equilibrium line altitude on King George Island, Antarctic Peninsula. The Cryosphere, 12, 1–22,
Stantoro, M., Andres, V., Jirka, S., Koike, T., Looser, U., Nativi, S., Pappenberger, F., Schlummer, M., Strauch, A., Utech, M., Zsoter, E. (2018): Interoperability challenges in river discharge modelling: A cross domain application scenario. Computers & Geosciences 115, 66-74.
Dubovyk, O. (2018): Spatiotemporal Assessment of Vegetation Trends in the Post-Soviet Central Asia. In: D. Egamberdieva and M. Öztürk (Editors), Vegetation of Central Asia and Environs. Springer International Publishing, pp. 1-13.
Lavreniuk, M., Kussul, N., Shelestov, A., Dubovyk, O. & F. Löw (2018): Object-Based postprocessing method for crop classification maps, IGARSS 2018 - 2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, pp. 7058-7061.
Ghazaryan, G., Dubovyk, O., Löw, F., Lavreniuk, M., Kolotii, A., Schellberg, J. & N. Kussul (2018): A rule-based approach for crop identification using multi-temporal and multi-sensor phenological metrics. European Journal of Remote Sensing 51, 511-524.
Löw, F., Biradar, C., Dubovyk, O., Fliemann, E., Akramkhanov, A. Narvaez Vallejo, A. & F. Waldner (2018): Regional-scale monitoring of cropland intensity and productivity with multi-source satellite image time series. GIScience & Remote Sensing 55, 539-567.
Ferner, J., Schmidtlein, S., Guuroh, R. T., Lopatin, J. & A. Linstädter (2018): Disentangling effects of climate and land-use change on West African drylands’ forage supply. Global Environmental Change, 53, 24–38.
Zimmermann, S., Dubovyk, O., Oldenburg, C., Pape, R. & J. Löffler (2018): Lichen Cover Mapping in Southern Norway – An Analysis with Remote Sensing and GIS. GIS Science, 2
Muro, J., Strauch, A., Heinemann, A., Steinbach, S., Thonfeld, F., Waske, B. & B. Diekkrüger (2018): Land surface temperature trends as indicator of land use changes in wetlands. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, Volume 70, Pages 62-71.
Perennou, C., Guelmami, A., Paganini, M., Philipson, P., Poulin, B., Strauch, A., Tottrup, C., Truckenbrodt, J. & I. R. Geijzendorffer (2018): Mapping Mediterranean Wetlands With Remote Sensing: A Good-Looking Map Is Not Always a Good Map. Advances in Ecological Research, Volume 58, p. 243-277. doi: 10.1016/bs.aecr.2017.12.002
Abdel-Hamid, A.; Dubovyk, O.; Abou El-Magd, I. & G. Menz (2018): Mapping Mangroves Extents on the Red Sea Coastline in Egypt using Polarimetric SAR and High Resolution Optical Remote Sensing Data. Sustainability 2018, 10, 646.
Löw, F., Prishchepov, A., Waldner, F., Dubovyk, O., Akramkhanov, A., Biradar, C. & Lamers, J. (2018): Mapping Cropland Abandonment in the Aral Sea Basin with MODIS Time Series. Remote Sensing, 10, 159.
Rienow A., Thonfeld F. & A. Valentin (2018): Landschaftsverbrauch und Klimaanpassung: der Blick über die Metropolregion hinaus. In: Flächenverbrauch in der Metropolregion Rheinland 1975–2030. essentials. Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden
Peer reviewed:
Fernandoy, F., Tetzner, D., Meyer, H., Gacitua, G., Hoffmann, K., Falk, U., Lambert, F. & S. MacDonnell (2017): New insights into the climatic signal from firn cores at the northern Antarctic Peninsula. The Cryosphere, 12, 1069–1090, 2018
Daniel, S.; Gabiri, G.; Kirimi, F.; Glasner, B.; Näschen, K.; Leemhuis, C.; Steinbach, S. & K. Mtei (2017): Spatial Distribution of Soil Hydrological Properties in the Kilombero Floodplain, Tanzania. Hydrology 2017, 4, 57.
Guuroh, R. T., Ruppert, J. C., Ferner, J., Čanak, K., Schmidtlein, S. & A. Linstädter (2017): Drivers of forage provision and erosion control in West African savannas − a macroecological perspective Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 251:257-267 Januar 2018 DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2017.09.017.
Graw, V.; Ghazaryan, G.; Dall, K.; Delgado Gómez, A.; Abdel-Hamid, A.; Jordaan, A.; Piroska, R.; Post, J.; Szarzynski, J.; Walz, Y. & O. Dubovyk (2017): Drought Dynamics and Vegetation Productivity in Different Land Management Systems of Eastern Cape, South Africa—A Remote Sensing Perspective. Sustainability 2017, 9, 1728.
Dubovyk, O. (2017): The role of Remote Sensing in land degradation assessments: opportunities and challenges. European Journal of Remote Sensing, 50, 601-613.
Leemhuis, C., Thonfeld, F., Näschen, K., Steinbach, S., Muro, J., Strauch, A., López, A., Daconto, G., Games, I. & B. Diekkrüger (2017): Sustainability in the Food-Water-Ecosystem Nexus: The Role of Land Use and Land Cover Change for Water Resources and Ecosystems in the Kilombero Wetland, Tanzania. Sustainability 9, 1513. doi:10.3390/su9091513.
Hentze, K., Thonfeld, F. & G. Menz (2017): Beyond trend analysis: How a modified breakpoint analysis enhances knowledge of agricultural production after Zimbabwe's fast track land reform, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, Volume 62, October 2017, Pages 78-87, ISSN 0303-2434,
Basukala, A. K., Oldenburg, C., Schellberg, J., Sultanov, M. & O. Dubovyk (2017): Towards improved land use mapping of irrigated croplands: performance assessment of different image classification algorithms and approaches. European Journal of Remote Sensing, 50(1), 187-201. doi: 10.1080/22797254.2017.1308235.
Thonfeld, F., Rienow, A., Dubovyk, O., Abdel-Hamid, A., Akpeokhai, A., Amler, E., Bareth, G., Basukala, A. K., Canty, M., Denich, M., Dobrzeniecki, T., Ferner, J., Flügel, H., Ghazaryan, G., Götz, E., Graw, V., Greve, K., Guuroh, R., Heinemann, S., Henning, T., Hentze, K., Hollberg, J. L., Kirimi, F., Kocherscheidt, S., Konermann-Krüger, B., Liu, D., Muro, J., Oldenburg, C., Ortwein, A., Piroska, R., Santos, F., Schellberg, J., Schultz, J., Schurr, U., Selg, F., Staar, K., Steinbach, S., Strauch, A., Szarzynski, J., Tewes, A., Thiong’o, K. B., Vetter, A., Wirkus, L. & U. Rascher (2017): In Memoriam: Gunter Menz. Remote Sensing; 9(3):274.
Hollberg, J. & J. Schellberg, (2017): Distinguishing Intensity Levels of Grassland Fertilization Using Vegetation Indices. Remote Sensing 9, 81.
Santos, F., Dubovyk, O. & G. Menz (2017): Monitoring Forest Dynamics in the Andean Amazon: The Applicability of Breakpoint Detection Methods Using Landsat Time-Series and Genetic Algorithms, Remote Sensing, 2017, 9, 1. doi:10.3390/rs9010068.
Locher-Krause, K. E., Volk, M., Waske, B., Thonfeld, F. & S. Lautenbach (2017): Expanding temporal resolution in landscape transformations: Insights from a landsat-based case study in Southern Chile, Ecological Indicators, Volume 75, April 2017, Pages 132-144, ISSN 1470-160X,
Tewes, A. & J. Schellberg (2017): Remote green LAI estimation in maize using UAV-based low-cost camera imagery. In: Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Pflanzenbauwissenschaften Band 29. 208-209.
Zimmermann, S.; Oldenburg, C.; Pape, R.; Dubovyk, O. & J. Löffler (2017): Lichen cover mapping in southern Norway - a multi-scale analysis with remote sensing and GIS. In: Environmental Informatics. EnviroInfo 2017. Neimenster Abbey, Luxemburg.
Muro, J.; Heinmann, S.; Strauch A.; Menz, G.; Land Surface Temperature retrieval in wetlands using Normalized Difference Vegetation Index-emissivity estimation and ASTER emissivity product. ESA Living Planet Symposium 2016.
Strauch, A.; Flink, S.; Fujimoto, N.; Geller, G.; Grobicki, A.; Hilarides, L.; Muro, J.; Paganini, M.; Rosenqvist, A.; Weise, K.; Towards a Global Wetland Observation System. ESA Living Planet Symposium 2016.
Peer reviewed:
Falk, U., Gieseke, H., Kotzur, H. F. & M. Braun (2016): Monitoring snow and ice surfaces on King George Island (Antarctic Peninsula) with high-resolution TerraSAR-X time series. Antarctic Science, 28, 135-149, available on CJO2015. doi:10.1017/S0954102015000577.
Liu, D., Cao, C., Dubovyk, O., Tian, R., Chen, W., Zhuang, Q., Zhao, Y. & G. Menz (2016): Using fuzzy analytic hierarchy process for spatio-temporal analysis of eco-environmental vulnerability change during 1990–2010 in Sanjiangyuan region, China. Ecological Indicators.
Muro, J., Canty, M., Conradsen, K., Hüttich, C., Nielsen, A., Skriver, H., Remy, F., Strauch, A., Thonfeld, F. & G. Menz (2016): ‘Short-Term Change Detection in Wetlands Using Sentinel-1 Time Series’, Remote Sensing, 2016, 8, 10, p. 795
Ghazaryan, G.; Dubovyk, O.; Kussul, N. & G. Menz (2016): Towards an improved environmental understanding of land surface dynamics in Ukraine based on multi-source remote sensing time-series datasets from 1982 to 2013. Remote Sensing 2016, 8, 617.
Dubovyk, O.; Landmann, T.; Dietz, A. & G. Menz (2016): Quantifying the impacts of environmental factors on vegetation dynamics over climatic and management gradients of central asia. Remote Sensing 2016, 8, 600.
Graw, V., Oldenburg, C. & O. Dubovyk (2016): Bush Encroachment Mapping for Africa: Multi-Scale Analysis with Remote Sensing and GIS (July 2016). ZEF - Center for Development Research University of Bonn, Discussion Paper No. 218. Available at SSRN:
Hentze, K., Thonfeld, F. & G. Menz (2016): Evaluating Crop Area Mapping from MODIS Time-Series as an Assessment Tool for Zimbabwe’s “Fast Track Land Reform Programme”. PLoS ONE 11(6): e0156630. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0156630.
Thonfeld, F., Feilhauer, H., Braun, M. & G. Menz (2016): Robust Change Vector Analysis (RCVA) for multi-sensor very high resolution optical satellite data. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 50, 131-140, ISSN 0303-2434,
Kirimi, F. , Kuria, D. , Thonfeld, F. , Amler, E. , Mubea, K. , Misana, S. and Menz, G. (2016): Influence of Vegetation Cover on the Oh Soil Moisture Retrieval Model: A Case Study of the Malinda Wetland, Tanzania. Advances in Remote Sensing, 5, 28-42. doi: 10.4236/ars.2016.51003.
Peer reviewed:
Falk, Ulrike; Sala, Hernán (2015): Winter melt conditions of the inland ice cap on King George Island, Antarctic Peninsula. Erdkunde, 69(4), 341-363, doi:10.3112/erdkunde.2015.04.04.
J. A Schultz, C. Beck, G. Menz, B. Neuwirth, C. Ohlwein, and A. Philipp (2015): Sensitivity of proxies on non-linear interactions in the climate system Scientific Reports, 5 (18560).
Rienow, A., Goetzke, R., Hoymann, J. & G. Menz (2015): Simulation von Flächenverbrauch im Ruhrgebiet bis 2025 – Eine Gegenüberstellung von „bottom-up“ und „top-down“ Modellen auf der Basis von Satellitendaten. In: Photogrammetrie Fernerkundung Geoinformation, 4, 291-311.
Rienow, A., Hodam, H., Selg, F. & G. Menz (2015): Columbus Eye: Interactive Earth Observation from the ISS in Class Rooms. GI_Forum ‒ Journal for Geographic Information Science, 1-2015.
Thiong’o, K. , Pasternak, R. , Kleusberg, A. , Thonfeld, F. & G. Menz (2015): Separability of Dominant Crop Cultures in Southern Germany Using TerraSAR-X Data. Advances in Remote Sensing, 4, 97-107. doi: 10.4236/ars.2015.42009.
Tewes, A., Thonfeld, F., Schmidt, M., Oomen, R. J., Zhu, X., Dubovyk, O., Menz, G. & J. Schellberg (2015): "Using RapidEye and MODIS Data Fusion to Monitor Vegetation Dynamics in Semi-Arid Rangelands in South Africa." Remote Sens. 7, no. 6: 6510-6534.
Dubovyk, O., Menz, G., Lee, A., Schellberg, J., Thonfeld, F. & A. Khamzina (2015): "SPOT-Based Sub-Field Level Monitoring of Vegetation Cover Dynamics: A Case of Irrigated Croplands." Remote Sens. 7, no. 6: 6763-6783.
Mubea, K. , Rienow, A. & Menz, G. (2015): Impacts of Spatial Extend and Site Location on Calibration of Urban Growth Models. Current Urban Studies, 3, 82-94. doi: 10.4236/cus.2015.32008.
Ferner, J., Linstädter, A., Südekum, K.H., Schmidtlein, S., 2015. Spectral indicators of forage quality in West Africa’s tropical savannas. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 41, 99-106.
Machwitz, M., Gessner, U., Conrad, C., Falk, U., Richters, J. & S. Dech (2015): Modelling the Gross Primary Productivity of West Africa with the Regional Biomass Model RBM+, using optimized 250 m MODIS FPAR and fractional vegetation cover information, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, Available online 23 April 2015, ISSN 0303-2434,
Hentze, K. & G. Menz (2015): “Bring Back the Land”—A Call to Refocus on the Spatial Dimension of Zimbabwe’s Land Reform. Land; 4(2):355-377.
Amler, E., Schmidt, M. & G. Menz (2015): "Definitions and Mapping of East African Wetlands: A Review." Remote Sens. 7, no. 5: 5256-5282.
Thonfeld, F., A. Hecheltjen & G. Menz (2015): Bi-temporal Change Detection, Change Trajectories and Time Series Analysis for Forest Monitoring. Photogrammetrie - Fernerkundung - Geoinformation, 2, 129-141. DOI: 10.1127/pfg/2015/0259.
Ali, M., C. Montzka, A. Stadler, G. Menz, F. Thonfeld & H. Vereecken (2015): Estimation and Validation of RapidEye-Based Time-Series of Leaf Area Index for Winter Wheat in the Rur Catchment (Germany). Remote Sensing 7, 3, 2808-2831. DOI:10.3390/rs70302808.
Dubovyk, O., Landmann, T., Erasmus, B.F.N., Tewes, A., Schellberg, J., 2015. Monitoring vegetation dynamics with medium resolution MODIS-EVI time series at sub-regional scale in southern Africa. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 38, 175-183,
Burkart, A., Aasen, H., Alonso, L., Menz, G., Bareth, G., and Rascher, U., 2015. Angular Dependency of Hyperspectral Measurements over Wheat Characterized by a Novel UAV Based Goniometer. Remote Sensing, 7, 725-746; doi:10.3390/rs70100725
Books and Book Chapters:
Kwon, Ho-Young; Nkonya, E.; Johnson, T.; Graw, V.; Kato, E.; Kihiu, E., 2016. Global Estimates of the Impacts of Grassland Degradation on Livestock Productivity from 2001 to 2011. in: Nkonya, E., Mirzabaev, A., von Braun, J. (Eds.), Economics of Land Degradation and Improvement – A Global Assessment for Sustainable Development. Springer International Publishing, pp. 261-290.
Mirzabaev, A., Goedecke, J., Dubovyk, O., Djanibekov, U., Le, Q., Aw-Hassan, A., 2016. Economics of Land Degradation in Central Asia, in: Nkonya, E., Mirzabaev, A., von Braun, J. (Eds.), Economics of Land Degradation and Improvement – A Global Assessment for Sustainable Development. Springer International Publishing, pp. 261-290.
Aw-Hassan, A., Korol, V., Nishanov, N., Djanibekov, U., Dubovyk, O., Mirzabaev, A., 2016. Economics of Land Degradation and Improvement in Uzbekistan, in: Nkonya, E., Mirzabaev, A., von Braun, J. (Eds.), Economics of Land Degradation and Improvement – A Global Assessment for Sustainable Development. Springer International Publishing, pp. 651-682
Mirzabaev, A., Goedecke, J., Dubovyk, O., Djanibekov, U., Le, Q. B. & A. Aw-Hassan (2015): Economics of Land Degradation in Central Asia. (ZEF Policy Briefs 19)
Aw-Hassan, A., Korol, V., Nishanov, N., Djanibekov, U., Dubovyk, O. and A. Mirzabaev (2015): Economics of Land Degradation in Uzbekistan. (ZEF Policy Briefs 14)
Thonfeld, F., Schmidt, M., Dubovyk, O., Menz, G., 2015. On the relevance of radiometric normalization of dense Landsat time series for forest monitoring, Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2015 IEEE International, pp. 2665-2668.
Dubovyk, O., Landmann, T., Erasmus, B., Thonfeld, F., Schellberg, J., Menz, G., 2015. Observing vegetation dynamics at medium spatial scale: Lessons from Africa and Asia, Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2015 IEEE International, pp. 3969-3972.
Santos F. and Menz G. (2015): Insights for Manage Geospatial Big Data in Ecosystem Monitoring using Processing Chains and High Performance Computing. DCCLOSER 2015 Doctoral Consortium, pages 3-9.
Ruecker, G., Menz, G., Heinemann, S., Hartmann, M., & D. Oertel (2015): VISIR-SAT – A PROSPECTIVE MICRO-SATELLITE BASED MULTI-SPECTRAL THERMAL MISSION FOR LAND APPLICATIONS, Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XL-7/W3, 1283-1289, doi:10.5194/isprsarchives-XL-7-W3-1283-2015.
Peer reviewed:
Sala, H., Matko, C., Falk, U. & F. Grings (2014): Análisis y comparación de dos modelos digitales de elevación en la Isla 25 De Mayo (King George Island), Islas Shetland del Sur, Antártida. Geoacta 39 (2): 14-29. ISSN 1852-7744. Available at:
Conrad, C., S. Dech, O. Dubovyk, S. Fritsch, D. Klein, F. Löw, G. Schorcht & J. Zeidler (2014): Derivation of temporal windows for accurate crop discrimination in heterogeneous croplands of Uzbekistan using multitemporal RapidEye images. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 103:63-74.
Dubovyk, O., Menz, G. & A. Khamzina (acceped): Land suitability assessment for afforestation with Elaeagnus Angustifolia L. in degraded agricultural areas of the lower Amu Darya river basin. Land Degradation & Development.
Kuria, D. N., Menz, G., Misana, S., Mwita, E., Thamm, H.-P., Alvarez, M., Mogha, N., Becker, M. & H. Oyieke (2014): Seasonal Vegetation Changes in the Malinda Wetland Using Bi-Temporal, Multi-Sensor, Very High Resolution Remote Sensing Data Sets. Advances in Remote Sensing, Vol. 3, No. 1. pp. 33-48.
Landmann T. & O. Dubovyk (2014): Spatial analysis of human-induced vegetation productivity decline over eastern Africa using a decade (2001–2011) of medium resolution MODIS time-series data. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 33:76-82. DOI:
Mubea, K., Goetzke, R. & G. Menz (2014): Applying cellular automata for Simulating and Assessing Urban Growth Scenario Based in Nairobi, Kenya. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 5, No. 2. pp. 1-13.
Mubea, K. & G. Menz (2014) Spatial Effects of Varying Model Coefficients in Urban Growth Modeling in Nairobi, Kenya. Journal of Geographic Information System, 6, 636-652. link: 10.4236/jgis.2014.66053.
Rienow, A., Stenger, D. & Gunter Menz (2014): Sprawling Cities and Shrinking Regions - Forecasting Urban Growth in the Ruhr for 2025 by Coupling Cells and Agents. Erdkunde, Vol. 68, No. 2, pp. 85-107.
Tüshaus, J., O. Dubovyk, A. Khamzina & G. Menz (2014): Comparison of Medium Spatial Resolution ENVISAT-MERIS and Terra-MODIS Time Series for Vegetation Decline Analysis: A Case Study in Central Asia. Remote Sensing 2014, 6, 5238-5256.
Books and Book Chapters:
Canty, M. J. (2014): Image Analysis, Classification and Change Detection in Remote Sensing: with Algorithms for ENVI/IDL and Python. Third Edition. CRC Press, Boca Raton, London, New York, 527 pp.
Graw, V. & C. Husman (2014): Mapping Marginality Hotspots. In: von Braun, J. & F. Gatzweiler (eds): Marginality. Addressing the Nexus of Poverty, Exclusion and Ecology. Springer, pp. 69-83.
Hecheltjen, A., F. Thonfeld & G. Menz (2014): Recent advances in remote sensing change detection - a review. In: Manakos, I. & M. Braun (Eds.): Land use and land cover mapping in Europe. Practices and trends. Springer Dordrecht, Heidelberg, New York, London, 145-178.
Peer reviewed:
Dubovyk, O., G. Menz, C. Conrad, E. Kan, M. Machwitz & A. Khamzina (2013): Spatio-temporal analyses of cropland degradation in the irrigated lowlands of Uzbekistan using remote-sensing and logistic regression modeling. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 185, 4775-4790. DOI: 10.1007/s10661-012-2904-6
Dubovyk, O., G. Menz, C. Conrad, J. Lamers, A. Lee, A. Khamzina (2013): Spatial targeting of land rehabilitation: a relational analysis of cropland productivity decline in arid Uzbekistan. Erdkunde 67(2),167-181, DOI: 10.3112/erdkunde.2013.02.05
Dubovyk, O., G. Menz, C. Conrad, F. Thonfeld, A. Khamzina (2013): Object-based identification of vegetation cover decline in irrigated agro-ecosystems in Uzbekistan. Quaternary International. 311, 163-174.
Feilhauer, H., F. Thonfeld, U. Faude, K. S. He, D. Rocchini & S. Schmidtlein (2013): Assessing floristic composition with multispectral sensors—A comparison based on monotemporal and multiseasonal field spectra. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 21, 218-229.
Gondhalekar D., Nussbaum S., Akhtar A., Kebschull J., Keilmann P., Dawa S., Namgyal P., Tsultim L., Phuntsog T., Dorje S., Namgail P. & T. Mutup (2013): Water-related health risks in rapidly developing towns: the potential of integrated GIS-based urban planning, Water International, Vol. 38, No. 7, p: 902-920, DOI: 10.1080/02508060.2013.855447
Graw, V. (2013): Mapping hotspots of marginality for area identification. In: Rural 21 – 01/2013. Scientific World: 42-43.
Mwita, E., Menz, G., Misane, S. M., Danielson, K., Becker, M., Kisanga, D. & Boehme, B. (2013): Mapping small wetlands of Kenya and Tanzania using remote sensing techniques. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 21, 173-183.
Nussbaum S., Tueshaus J. & I. Niemeyer (2013): Images Objects vs. Pixels: A comparison of new methods from both domains, ESARDA Bulletin 49. p.66-75.
Sjöström, M., M. Zhao, S. Archibald, A. Arneth, B. Cappelaere, U. Falk, A. de Grandcourt, N. Hanan, L. Kergoat, W. Kutsch, L. Merbold, E. Mougin, A. Nickless, Y. Nouvellon, R.J. Scholes, E.M. Veenendaal, J. Ardö (2013): Evaluation of MODIS gross primary productivity for Africa using eddy covariance data. Remote Sensing of Environment 131, 275–286.
Books and Book Chapters:
Banana, A. Y., P. O. Ongugo, W. S. Gombya-Ssembajwe, T. W. Gole, F. Senbeta, J. Namaalwa, E. Luoga, J. Bahati, L. A. Mbwambo, V. Graw & F. W. Gatzweiler (2013): Forest Governance Reforms in Eastern Africa: A Comparative Analysis of Institutional, Livelihood and Forest Sustainability Outcomes. In: F. W. Gatzweiler (ed): Institutional and Livelihood Changes in East African Forest Landscapes. Decentralization and Institutional Changes for Sustainable Forest Management in Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania and Ethiopia. Peter Lang, Frankfurt a.M.
Gondhalekar, D., A. Akhtar, P. Keilmann, J. Kebschull, S. Nussbaum, S. Dawa, P. Namgyal, L. Tsultim, T. Phuntsog, S. Dorje and T. Mutup (2013). Drops and hot stones in the desert: towards integrated urban design in terms of water scarcity and health issues in Leh Town, Ladakh, India. In M. Gislason (ed.). Ecological Health, Vol. 15 of the Advances in Medical Sociology Series, 173 - 193, ISBN: 978-1-78190-323-0
Dubovyk, O., C. Conrad, A. Khamzina & G. Menz, 2013. Object-Based Retro-Classification of Agricultural Land Use: A Case Study of Irrigated Croplands. Proc. ‘ESA Living Planet Symposium 2013’, (ESA SP-722, December 2013). Edinburgh, UK.
Landmann, T. & O. Dubovyk (2013): Mapping vegetation productivity dynamics and degradation trends over East Africa using a decade of medium Resolution MODIS time-series data. In: Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2013 IEEE International, 21-26 July 2013, pp 1801-1804, doi: 10.1109/igarss.2013.6723149
Niemeyer, I. Nussbaum S., Tueshaus, J. & C.Listner (2013): Advances in Detecting Changes at Nuclear Facilities Using Very High-resolution Optical Satellite Imagery. in: Proc. INMM 54th Annual Meeting, Palm Dessert, 14-18 July 2013.
Nussbaum S., Tueshaus J. & I. Niemeyer (2013): Images Objects vs. Pixels: A comparison of new methods from both domains, Proceedings 35rd ESARDA Annual Meeting, Bruges, Belgium.
Thonfeld, F. & G. Menz (2013): Entwicklung eines robusten Veränderungsdetektionsverfahrens für räumlich hoch auflösende Satellitendaten. In: Seyfert, E. (Ed.): Publikationen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Photogrammetrie, Fernerkundung und Geoinformation e. V., Band 22. 33. Wissenschaftlich-Technische Jahrestagung der DGPF, 27.2.-1.3.2013, Freiburg i. B., Drei-Länder-Tagung D-A-CH, 194-201. ISSN 0942-2870.
Thonfeld, F., A. A. Nielsen, H. Skriver, K. Conradsen & M. J. Canty (2013): Complex Wishart distribution-based change detection with polarimetric TerraSAR-X imagery. Proceedings of the 5th TerraSAR-X / 4th TanDEM-X Science Team Meeting, 10-14 June 2013, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany.
Peer reviewed:
Dubovyk, O.; Schachtsiek, T.; Khamzina, A. & Menz, G. (2012): Exploring the biophysical potential of dryland afforestation on degraded lands in the downstream of the Amu Darya River, Uzbekistan. EARTH Bioresources and Quality of Life, 1, p. 35-47.
Gerighausen, H.; Menz, G.; Kaufmann, H. (2012): Spatially explicit estimation of clay and organic carbon content in agricultural soils using multi-annual imaging spectroscopy data. Applied and Environmental Soil Science, Special Issue on Quantitative Soil Spectroscopy, Vol. 2012, Manuscript No. 868090, 23 pages. doi:10.1155/2012/868090.
Klemenjak, S., Waske, B., Valero, S. & Chanussot, J. (2012): Automatic detection of rivers in high-resolution SAR data. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Oberservation and Remote Sensing. DOI: 10.1109/JSTARS.2012.2189099.
Mubea, K. & G. Menz (2012): Monitoring Land-Use Change in Nakuru (Kenya) Using Multi-Sensor Satellite Data. Advances in Remote Sensing 1, 3, 74-84. doi:10.4236/ars.2012.13008.
Mwita, E., G. Menz, S. Misane & P. Nienkemper (2012): Detection of Small Wetlands with Multi Sensor Data in East Africa. Advances in Remote Sensing 1, 3, 64-73. doi:10.4236/ars.2012.13007.
Niemeyer, I., C. Listner & S. Nussbaum (2012): Object-based Image Analysis Using Very High-resolution Satellite Data. Journal of Nuclear Management (JNMM),No. 4, 2012, Special Issue: Science for Verification.
Schmidtlein, S., Feilhauer, H., Brülheide, H. (2012): Mapping plant strategy types using remote sensing. Journal of Vegetation Science 23., 395-405. (2012 Editors Award)
Schneevoigt, N.J., Sund, M., Bogren, W., Kääb, A. & Weydahl, D.J. (2012): Glacier displacement on Comfortlessbreen, Svalbard, using 2-pass differential SAR interferometry (DInSAR) with a digital elevation model. Polar Record 48, 17-25.
Waske, B., S. van der Linden, C. Oldenburg, B. Jakimow, A. Rabe u. P. Hostert (2012): imageRF – A user-oriented implementation for remote sensing image analysis with Random Forests. In: Environmental Modelling & Software 35, S. 192-193.
Books and Book Chapters:
Ackermann, N., F. Becker, C. Berger, M. Bindel, J. Eberle, I. Elbertzhagen, K.-H. Franke, A. Hecheltjen, T. Koch, T. Kubertschak, G. Menz, T. Riedel, C. Schmullius, M. Schwarz, F. Thonfeld, K. Weise, B. Wolf (2012): ENVILAND 2 – Von multisensoralen Satellitenbildern zu operationellen Produkten. In: Borg, E., H. Daedelow & R. Johnson (Hrsg.): RapidEye Science Archive (RESA) „Vom Algorithmus zum Produkt“. Tagungsband zum 4. RESA Workshop, Neustrelitz, 21.-22. März 2012. GITO Verlag, Berlin, ISBN-13: 9783942183611, S. 123-149.
Dubovyk, O., G. Menz, C. Conrad & A. Khamzina (2012): Object-based cropland degradation identification: a case study in Uzbekistan. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8538 85380W-1. doi: 10.1117/12.974647.
Dubovyk, O., Menz, G. & Khamzina, A. (2012): Trend analysis of MODIS time-series using different vegetation indices for monitoring of cropland degradation and abandonment in central Asia. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS 2012, 22-27 July 2012, Munich, Germany, 6589-6592.
Dubovyk, O., Tüshaus, J., Khamzina, A. & G. Menz (2012): Monitoring of Vegetation Trends with MERIS Time Series in Arid Irrigated Drylands of Central Asia. Proceedings of the Sentinel-3 OLCI/SLSTR and MERIS/(A)ATSR Workshop', 15–19 October 2012, Frascati, Italy.
Feilhauer, H., F. Thonfeld, U. Faude, K. S. He, D. Rocchini & S. Schmidtlein (2012): Important characteristics of multispectral data for an assessment of floristic variation. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS 2012, 22-27 July 2012, Munich, Germany, 36-39. doi:10.1109/IGARSS.2012.6351642.
Nussbaum, S. & I. Niemeyer (2012): Geographic Information Systems (GIS) – from Visualization to Analysis. In: Proceedings 53rd Annual Meeting INMM 2012, Orlando Florida, USA.
Niemeyer, I., C. Listner & S. Nussbaum (2012): Object-based Image Analysis Using Very High-resolution Satellite Data. In: Proceedings 53rd Annual Meeting INMM 2012, Orlando Florida, USA.
Peer reviewed:
Braun, M., V.A. Pohjola, R. Pettersson, M. Möller, R. Finkelnburg, U. Falk, D. Scherer & C. Schneider (2011): Changes of glacier frontal positions of Vestfonna (Nordaustlandet, Svalbard). - Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography, doi:10.1111/j.1468-0459.2011.00437.x.
Feilhauer, H., Faude, U. & Schmidtlein, S. (2011): Combining Isomap ordination and imaging spectroscopy to map continuous floristic gradients in a heterogeneous landscape. Remote Sensing of Environment 115, 2513-2524.
Feilhauer, H. & Schmidtlein, S. (2011): On variable relations between vegetation patterns and canopy reflectance. Ecological Informatics 6, 83-92.
Müller, J. (2011): Evaluation of different airborne high-resolution digital elevation products in a high alpine environment. Diploma Thesis, Bonn.
Ortega, R.Z. & N.J. Schneevoigt (2011): Modelling potential debris flows from SRTM data in the Upper Chama River Basin, central Venezuelan Andes. Revista Geográfica Venezolana 52.
Rückamp, M., Braun, M., Suckroa, S. & Blindow, N. (2011): Observed glacial changes on the King George Island ice cap, Antarctica in the last decade. Global and Planetary Change 79, 1-2, 99-109.
Sakané, N.; Alvarez, M., Becker, M., Böhme, B., Handa, C., Kamiri, H.W., Langensiepen, L., Menz, G., Misana, S., Mogha, N.G., Möseler, B.M., Mwita, E.J., Oyieke, H.A., & van Wijk, M.T. (2011): Classification, characterisation, and use of small wetlands in East Africa. Wetlands 31, 1103-1116. DOI 10.1007/s13157-011-0221-4.
Books and Book Chapters:
Ditter, R., Voss, K. & Siegmund, A. (2011): Innovative Geography Lessons with Remote Sensing Methods. In: Jekel, Donert & Vogler (eds.): Learning with Geoinformation VI, pp. 204-208.
Goetzke, R. & Judex, M. (2011): Simulation of urban land-use change in North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany) with the Java-based modeling platform Xulu. In: Koch, A. & P. Mandl (ed.): Modeling and Simulating Urban Processes. Geosimulations, Bd. 1. LIT-Verlag, Münster.
Kraas, C., Strätz, K. & Voss, K. (2011): Der Schreiadler - Ich bin dann mal weg. In: Lehrer online, abrufbar
Riedel, T., I. Elbertzhagen, G. Menz & C. Schmullius (2011): Synergetische Nutzung von hochauflösenden optischen und SAR Daten zur automatisierten Ableitung von Landbedeckungsprodukten. In: Borg, E. & H. Daedelow (Eds.): RapidEye Science Archive (RESA) - Erste Ergebnisse. Tagungsband zum 3. RESA Workshop. Berlin, S. 165-175.
Voss, K., Goetzke, R., Hodam, H. & Rienow, A. (2011): Remote Sensing, New Media and Scientific Literacy - A New Integrated Learning Portal for Schools Using Satellite Images. In: Jekel, T., Koller, A., Donert, K. & R. Vogler (eds.): Learning with Geoinformation VI, Berlin. S. 172-180.
Bauer, O., Dehne, H.-W., Menz, G., Altincicek, B. & Moll, A. (2011): Hyperspectral remote sensing based monitoring of the Asian longhorned beetle. 1st EARSeL SIG Forestry workshop: Operational remote sensing in forest management, June 2-3, 2011, Prague, Czech Republic.
Becker, F. & Menz, G. (2011):Shadow analysis in the urban area of Cologne using very high resolution optical satellite data. 31st EARSeL Symposium, May 30 - June 2, 2011, Prague, Czech Republic.
Gieseke, H.; Falk, U. & Braun, M. (2011): Estimating ice mass flux from the King George Island ice cap using SAR feature tracking. 31st EARSeL Symposium, May 30 - June 2, 2011, Prague, Czech Republic.
Hecheltjen, A.; Thonfeld, F. & Menz, G. (2011): Unsupervised labeling of land cover changes. 4th SIG Workshop on Land Use & Land Cover. June 1-3, 2011, Prague, Czech Republic.
Klemenjak, S., Waske, B. (2011): Classifying multilevel segmented TerraSAR-X data, using Support Vector Machines. Proceedings of the 4th TerraSAR-X Science Team Meeting, 14-16 February 2011, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany.
Klemenjak, S., Waske, B.; Zumbroich, T., Lange, P., Meier, G. & Nienhaus, I. (2011): A conceptual framework for mapping river structures in context of the EU Water. . 31st EARSeL Symposium, May 30 - June 2, 2011, Prague, Czech Republic.
Kotzur, F.; Falk, U. & Braun, M. (2011): Mapping the variation of glacier ice facies with TSX on King George Island. 31st EARSeL Symposium, May 30 - June 2, 2011, Prague, Czech Republic.
Menz, G. (2011): A review of techniques for and challenges in change detection. 4th SIG Workshop on Land Use & Land Cover. June 1-3, 2011, Prague, Czech Republic.
Rienow, A., Goetzke, R. & Menz, G. (2011): Towards an assessment of the spatio-temporal development of European cities. 4th SIG Workshop on Land Use & Land Cover. June 1-3, 2011, Prague, Czech Republic.
Thonfeld, F.; Hecheltjen, A. & Menz, G. (2011): Robust change vector analysis (RCVA). 4th SIG Workshop on Land Use & Land Cover. June 1-3, 2011, Prague, Czech Republic.
Thonfeld, F. & G. Menz (2011): Coherence and multitemporal intensity metrics of high resolution SAR images for urban change detection. Proceedings of the 4th TerraSAR-X Science Team Meeting, 14-16 February 2011, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany.
Voss, K., Goetzke, R.; Hodam, H. & Rienow, A. (2011): Methods and opportunities for using satellite image classification in school lessons, 3rd EARSeL Workshop on Education and Training, May 31- June 1, 2011, Prague, Czech Republic.
Waske, B., Roscher, R., Klemenjak, S. (2011): Import Vector Machines based classification of multisensor remote sensing data. IEEE International Geoscience and Remotes Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 24-29 July, Vancouver, Canada.
Peer reviewed:
Faude, U., Feilhauer, H. & Schmidtlein, S. (2010): Estimating consequences of land use for conservation management in eveloping tropical regions. Erdkunde 64, 47-56.
Feilhauer, H., Asner, G., Martin, R.E. & Schmidtlein, S. (2010): Brightness-normalized partial least squares regression for hyperspectral data. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2010.03.007.
Feilhauer, H., Oerke, E.C. & Schmidtlein, S. (2010): Quantifying empirical relations between planted species mixtures and canopy reflectance with PROTEST. Remote Sensing of Environment 114, 1513-1521.
Mewes, T., Franke, J. & Menz, G. (2010): Spectral requirements on airborne hyperspectral remote sensing data for wheat disease detection. In: Precision Agriculture.
Valero, S., Chanussot, J., Benediktsson, J.A., Talbot, H. & Waske, B. (2010): Advanced directional mathematical morphology for the detection of the road network in very high resolution remote sensing images. Pattern Recognition Letters.
Waske, B., van der Linden, S., Benediktsson, J.A., Rabe, A. & Hostert, P. (2010): Sensitivity of support vector machines to random feature selection in classification of hyperspectral data. IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, doi:10.1109/TGRS.2010.2041784
Books and Book Chapters:
Judex, M., Röhrig, J., Linsoussi, C., Thamm, H.-P. & Menz, G. (2010): Vegetation cover and land use change in Benin. In: Speth, P., Christoph, M. & Diekkrueger, B. (Eds.): Impacts of Global Change on the Hydrological Cycle in West and Northwest Africa. Springer, Heidelberg. pp. 257-273.
Falk, U. and J. Szarzynski (2010): Sub-Saharan West Africa climate and precipitation regime. In: Konaté S. & Kampmann D. (eds.). 2010: Biodiversity Atlas of West Africa, Volume I-III: Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire. Abidjan & Frankfurt/Main. S. 44-51.
Fritzsche, P. & Menz, G. (2010): Observing plant activity with MODIS Terry NDVI Images, a study within the Atlas Region (South Morocco). In: Grazer Schriften der Geographie und Raumforschung. Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium an HIG Mountain Remote Sensing Cartography. Institute of Geography and Regional Science. Graz. pp. 33-40.
Kraas, C., Strätz, K. & Voss, K (2010): Haiti - Katastrophenhilfe aus dem All. In: Lehrer online, abrufbar
Menz, G. (2010): Regional geography of West and Northwest Africa: An introduction. In: Speth, P., Christoph, M. and B. Diekkrueger (eds.): Impacts of Global Change on the Hydrological Cycle in West and Northwest Africa. Springer, Heidelberg. pp. 30-34.
Menz, G. (2010): Topography and natural regions. In: Speth, P., Christoph, M. and B. Diekkrueger (eds.): Impacts of Global Change on the Hydrological Cycle in West and Northwest Africa. Springer, Heidelberg. pp. 40-45.
Menz, G. (2010): Political and administrative structures: History and present situation. In: Speth, P., Christoph, M. and B. Diekkrueger (eds.): Impacts of Global Change on the Hydrological Cycle in West and Northwest Africa. Springer, Heidelberg. pp. 70-73.
Menz, G., Judex, M., Orekan, V., Kuhn, A., Heldmann, M. & Thamm, H.-P. (2010): Land use and land cover modeling in Central Benin. In: Speth, P., Christoph, M. & Diekkrueger, B. (Eds.): Impacts of Global Change on the Hydrological Cycle in West and Northwest Africa. Springer, Heidelberg. pp. 512-535.
Menz, G. &. Richters, J. (2010): Biomass Production in NW-Namibia: A Remote Sensing Modelling Approach. In: Möhlig, W. J. G., Bubenzer, O. &. Menz, G.(Eds.): Towards Interdisciplinarity, Experiences of the Long-term ACACIA Project. Rüdiger Köppe Verlag. Köln. pp. 179-202
Oerke, E.-C., Gerhards, R., Menz, G. & Sikora, R.A. (eds.) (2010): Precision Crop Protection - the Challenge and Use of Heterogeneity, Springer. Heidelberg. ISBN: 978-90-481-9276-2
Voss, K., Franke, J., Mewes, T., Menz, G. &. Kühbauch, W. (2010): Remote Sensing for Precision Crop Protection - A Matter of Scale. In: Oerke, E.-C., Gerhards, R., Menz, G. & Sikora, R.A (Eds.) Precision Crop Protection - the Challenge and Use of Heterogeneity, Springer. Heidelberg. ISBN: 978-90-481-9276-2
Voss, K., Hodam, H. & Goetzke, R. (2010): Feuerspuren im Satellitenbild – Mit Fernerkundung die Bewertungskompetenz stärken. In: Jekel, T., Koller, A., Donert, K. & R. Vogler (Hrsg.): Learning with Geoinformation V – Lernen mit Geoinformation V, Wichmann, Berlin, pp. 181-190.
Mewes, T. & Menz, G. (2010): Spektrale Anforderungen an Fernerkundungsdaten für die Detektierbarkeit von Pflanzenstress. 57. Deutsche Pflanzenschutztagung, September 6-9, 2010, Berlin, Germany.
Mewes, T. & Menz, G. (2010): Support vector classification for the detection of crop stress in wheat. Art, Science and Applications of Reflectance Spectroscopy Symposium, February 23-26, 2010, Boulder, USA.
Mewes,T., Waske, B., Franke, J. & Menz, G. (2010): Derivation of stress severities in wheat from hyperspectral data using support vector regression. Proc. IEEE-Whispers, June 14-16, 2010, Reykjavik, Iceland .
Muffert, M., Siegemund, J. & Förstner, W. (2010): The estimation of spatial positions by using an omnidirectional camera system. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Machine Control & Guidance. Bonn 2010: 95-104.
Voss, K., Goetzke, R. & Hodam, H. (2010): Remote Sensing and eLearning 2.0 for school education. In: Proc. SPIE Remote Sensing, 20-23 September 2010, Toulouse, France.
Peer reviewed:
Braun, M. & Humbert, A. (2009): Recent retreat of Wilkins Ice Shelf reveals new insights in ice shelf break-up mechanisms. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 6 (2), 263-267, doi:10.1109/LGRS.2008.2011925.
Braun, M., Humbert, A. & Moll, A. (2009): Changes of Wilkins Ice Shelf over the past 15 years and inferences on its stability. The Cryosphere 3, 41-56., download PDF
Feilhauer, H. & Schmidtlein, S. (2009): Mapping continuous fields of forest alpha and beta diversity. Applied Vegetation Science 12, 429-439.
Franke, J., Roberts, D.A., Halligan, K. & Menz, G. (2009): Hierarchical multiple endmember spectral mixture analysis (MESMA) of hyperspectral imagery for urban environments. Remote Sensing of Environment 113, 1712-1723. doi: 10.1016/j.rse.2009.03.018.
Franke, J., Gebhardt, S., Menz, G. & Helfrich, H.-P. (2009): Geo-statistical analysis of the spatiotemporal dynamics of powdery mildew and leaf rust in wheat. Phytopathology 99 (8), 974-984. Doi: 10.1094/PHYTO-99-8-097.
Kurtz, D., Schellberg, J. & Braun, M. (2009): Ground and Satellite Based Assessment of Rangeland Management in Sub-Tropical Argentina. Applied Geography, doi:10.1016/j.apgeog.2009.01.006.
Humbert, A., Gross, D., Müller, R., Braun, M.. van de Wal, R.S.W., van den Broeke, M.R., Vaughan, D.G. & van de Berg, W.J. (in press): Deformation and failure of the ice bridge on Wilkins Ice Shelf, Antarctica. Annals of Glaciology. View abstract or PDF
Röhrig, J. & Laudien, R. (2009): Evaluation of agricultural land resources by implementing a computer-based spatial decision support system for national deciders in Benin, West Africa. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 3. 033502. DOI:10.1117/1.3079033.
Rückamp, M., Blindow, N., Suckro, S., Braun, M. & Humbert, A. (in press): Dynamics of the ice cap on King George Island, Antarctica - field measurements and numerical simulations. Annals of Glaciology.
Udelhoven, T., van der Linden, S., Waske, B., Stellmes M. & Hoffmann, L. (2009): Hypertemporal classification of large areas using decision fusion. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 6 (3), 592-596.
Waske, B., Benediktsson, J.A., Árnason, K. & Sveinsson, J.R. (2009): Mapping of hyperspectral AVIRIS data using machine learning algorithms. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 35 (S1), 106-116.
Waske, B. & Braun, M. (2009): Classifier ensembles for land cover mapping using multitemporal SAR imagery. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing, Special Issue 'Mapping with SAR', doi:10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2009.01.003.
Books and Book Chapters:
Bauer, S. D., Korč, F. & Förstner, W: (2009): Investigation into the Classification of Diseases of Sugar Beet Leaves Using Multispectral Images. In: van Henten, E.J., Goense, D. & Lokhorst, C. (Eds.): Precision Agriculture '09. Wageningen, 2009, pp. 229-238.
Drauschke, M., Förstner, W. & Brunn, A. (2009): Multidodging: Ein effizienter Algorithmus zur automatischen Verbesserung von digitalisierten Luftbildern. In: Seyfert, E. (Ed.): Publikationen der DGPF, Band 18: Zukunft mit Tradition. Jena, 2009, pp. 61-68.
Drauschke, M., Roscher, R., Läbe, T. & Förstner, W. (2009): Improving Image Segmentation Using Multiple View Analysis. In: Object Extraction for 3D City Models, Road Databases and Traffic Monitoring - Concepts, Algorithms and Evaluating (CMRT09). 2009, pp. 211-216.
Förstner, W. (2009): Mustererkennung in der Fernerkundung. In: Seyfert, E. (Ed.): Publikationen der DGPF, Band 18: Zukunft mit Tradition. Jena. 2009, pp. 129-136.
Judex, M., Röhrig, J., Schulz, O. & Thamm, H.-P. (2009): IMPETUS Atlas du Bénin. Résultats de recherche 2000 – 2007. Troisième édition. Département de Géographie, Université de Bonn, Allemagne.
Voss, K., Goetzke, R. & H. Hodam (2009): Interaktive Lernmodule zum Thema Fernerkundung – Balance zwischen analoger Bildinterpretation und umfangreichen Softwarelösungen. In: Seyfert, E. (Ed.): Publikationen der DGPF, Band 18: Zukunft mit Tradition. Jena. 2009.
Voss, K., Goetzke, R., Hodam, H. & A. Rienow (2009): Fernerkundung verbindet - die "Info-Box" als fächerübergreifendes Nachschlagewerk für den Schulunterricht. In: Jekel, T., Koller, A. & K. Donert (Eds.): Lernen mit Geoinformation IV (S. 164-173), Wichmann, Heidelberg.
Voss, K., Hodam, H. & R. Goetzke (2009): Einbindung fernerkundlicher Methoden in den Erdkundeunterricht - das Beispiel der Klassifikation und Change Detection. In: Jekel, T., Koller, A. & K. Donert (Eds.): Lernen mit Geoinformation IV (S. 178-187), Wichmann, Heidelberg.
Waske, B., Fauvel, M., Benediktsson, J.A. & Chanussot, J. (2009): Machine Learning Techniques in Remote Sensing Data Analysis. In: Camps-Valls, G. & Bruzzone, L. (Eds.): Kernel Methods for Remote Sensing Data Analysis, Wiley and Sons, Chichester, pp. 3-24.
Waske, B., Chi, M., Benediktsson, J.A., van der Linden, S. & Koetz, B. (2009): Algorithms and Applications for Land Cover Classification – A review. In: Li, D., Shan, J. & Gong, J. (Eds.): Geospatial Technology for Earth Observation, Springer, pp. 203-234.
Barth, A., Siegemund, J., Franke, U. & Förstner, W. (2009): Simultaneous estimation of pose and motion at highly dynamic turn maneuvers. 31th Annual Symposium of the German Association for Pattern Recognition (DAGM) Jena, Germany 2009. pp. 262-271.
Conrad, C., Falk, U., Hendrickx, J.M. &. Dech, S. (2009): Modelling surface energy fluxes based on multi-temporal remote sensing data at different scales. Proc. of Int. Symposium on Remote Sensing and Environment, 3-8 May 2009, Stresa.
Franke, J., Mewes, T. & Menz, G. (2009): Hyperspektrale Fernerkundung am Zentrum für Fernerkundung der Landoberfläche (ZFL) der Universität Bonn. Jahrestagung der DGPF, March 2009, Jena, Germany.
Franke, J., Mewes, T. & Menz, G. (2009): Requirements on spectral resolutions of remote sensing data for crop stress detection. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2009, July 13-17, 2009, Cape Town, South Africa.
Franke, J., Becker, M., Menz, G., Misana, S., Mwita, E. & Nienkemper, P. (2009): Aerial imagery for monitoring land use in East African wetland ecosystems. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2009, 13-17 July 2009, Cape Town, South Africa.
Machwitz, M., Falk, U., Richters, J., Conrad, C. & Dech, S. (2009): Remote sensing of environment modelling the carbon budget at regional scale in West Africa using 250 m MODIS data and ground observations. Proc. of Int. Symposium on Remote Sensing and Environment, 3-8 May 2009, Stresa.
Mahlein, A.K., Hillnhütter, C., Mewes, T., Scholz, C., Steiner, U., Dehne, H.W. & Oerke, E.C. (2009): Disease detection in sugar beet fields: a multi-temporal and multi-sensoral approach on different scales. Proc. SPIE Europe Conf. Remote Sensing, August 31 – September 3, 2009, Berlin, Germany.
Mewes, T., Franke, J. & Menz, G. (2009): Data reduction of hyperspectral remote sensing data for crop stress detection using different band selection methods. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2009, July 13-17, 2009, Cape Town, South Africa.
Mewes, T., Franke, J. & Menz, G. (2009): Differentiation of several leaf rust (Puccinia rocondita) severity classes in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) with in situ hyperspectral data. 7th Eur. Conf. Precision Agriculture, July 06-08 2009, Wageningen, Netherlands.
Mura, M.D., Benediktsson, J.A., Waske, B. & Bruzzone, L. (2009): Morphological attribute filters for the analysis of very high resolution remote sensing images. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2009, Cape Town, South Africa.
Sveinsson, J.R., Waske, B. & Benediktsson, J.A. (2009): Speckle reduction of TerraSAR-X imagery using TV segmentation. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2009, Cape Town, South Africa.
Valero, S. Chanussot, J., Benediktsson, J.A., Talbot, H. & Waske, B. (2009): Directional mathematical morphology for the detection of the road network in Very High Resolution remote sensing images. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2009, Cairo, Egypt.
Voss, K., Goetzke, R., & H. Hodam (2009): Learning Modules - A Way To Integrate Remote Sensing Methods in School Education. In: Proc. ISPRS Workshop Commissions VI/1 - VI/2 on E-Learning Tools, Techniques and Applications, 17-19 June 2009, Potsdam, Germany.
Voss, K., Goetzke, R., Hodam, H. & A. Rienow (2009): Die "Info-Box" als fachübergreifendes Werkzeug zur Integration der Fernerkundung in den Unterricht. In: Proc. 5. GIS-Ausbildungstag, 18 & 19 Juni 2009, Potsdam
Wang, X-L., Waske, B. & Benediktsson, J.A. (2009): Ensemble methods for spectral-spatial classification of urban hyperspectral data. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2009, Cape Town, South Africa.
Waske, B., Benediktsson, J.A., & Sveinsson, J.R. (2009): Fusion of multisource data sets from agricultural areas for improved land cover classification. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2009, Cape Town, South Africa.
Waske, B., van der Linden, S., Benediktsson, J.A., Rabe, A. & Hostert, P. (2009): Impact of different morphological profiles on the classification accuracy of urban hyperspectral data. First Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing, WHISPERS 2009, Grenoble, France.
Peer reviewed:
Braun, M., Humbert, A. & Moll, A. (2008): Changes of Wilkins Ice Shelf over the past 15 years and inferences on its stability. The Cryosphere Discuss., 2, 341–382. download PDF
Humbert, A. & Braun, M. (2008): Wilkins Ice Shelf - break-up along failure zones. Accepted for publication as Note in Journal of Glaciology 55 (188), 943–944.
Mewes, T., Erasmi, S., Kappas, M., Biewer, S., Fricke, T. & Wachendorf, M. (2008): Spectral Mixture Analysis (SMA) of reflectance curves from legume-grass-plots for the analysis of species composition in forage production. Photogrammetrie, Fernerkundung, Geoinformation 4 (08), 265-275.
Pätzold, S., Mertens, F.M., Bornemann, L., Koleczek, B., Franke, J., Feilhauer, H. & Welp, G. (2008): Soil heterogeneity at the field scale: a challenge for precision crop protection. Precision Agriculture 9 (6), 367-390. doi: 10.1007/s11119-008-9077-x.
Schellberg, J., Hill, M., Gerhards, R., Rothmund, M. & Braun, M. (2008): Precision agriculture on grassland: applications, perspectives and constraints - a review. European Journal of Agronomy 29, 59-71. DOI:10.1016/j.eja.2008.05.005.
Schneevoigt, N.J., van der Linden, S., Thamm, H.-P. & Schrott, L. (2008): Detecting alpine landforms from remotely sensed imagery. A pilot study in the Bavarian Alps. Geomorphology 98, 104-119.
Waske, B. & van der Linden, S. (2008): Classifying multilevel imagery from SAR and optical sensors by decision fusion. IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 46 (5), 1457-1466.
Book Chapters:
Voss, K., Goetzke, R. & Hodam, H. (2008): Wie wird das Thema "Fernerkundung" im Unterricht angenommen? - Erste Ergebnisse einer Fallstudie, In: Jekel, T., Koller, A. & K. Donert: Lernen mit Geoinformation III, Wichmann, Heidelberg, pp. 8-14.
Voss, K., Hodam, H. & Goetzke, R. (2008): Pixel auf Abwegen - Unterrichtseinheit zur Bildkorrektur mit Hilfe linearer Funktionen, In: Jekel, T., Koller, A. & Donert, K.: Lernen mit Geoinformation III, Wichmann, Heidelberg, pp. 132-141.
Benediktsson, J.A., Ceamanos, X., Waske, B., Fauvel, M., Sveinsson, J.R. & Chanussot, J. (2008): Ensemble methods for classification of hyperspectral data. IEEE Geosci. and Remote Sens. Symp., IGARSS 2008, Boston, USA.
Dickscheid, T., Läbe, T. & Förstner, W: (2008): Benchmarking automatic bundle adjustment results. 21st Congress of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS). Beijing, China 2008, pp. 7-12 Part B3a.
Drauschke, M. & Förstner, W. (2008): Selecting appropriate features for detecting buildings and building parts. 21st Congress of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS). Beijing, China 2008, pp. 447-452 Part B3b-1.
Drauschke, M. & Förstner, W. (2008): Comparison of adaboost and ADTboost for feature subset selection. PRIS 2008. Barcelona, Spain 2008, pp.113-122.
Franke, J., Mewes, T. & Menz, G. (2008): Airborne Hyperspectral Imaging for the Detection of Powdery Mildew in Wheat. In: Shen, S.S. & Lewis, P.L. (Eds.) Imaging Spectrometry XIII, Proceedings of the SPIE - Optics & Photonics, 2008, August 10-15, 2008, San Diego, USA. Vol. 7086. doi: 10.1117/12.795040.
Goetzke, R., Braun, M., Thamm, H.-P. & G. Menz (2008): Monitoring and Modeling Urban Land-Use Change With Multitemporal Satellite Data, IEEE Geosci. and Remote Sens. Symp., IGARSS 2008, Boston, USA. pp. IV-510-513.
Korč, F. & Förstner, W. (2008): Interpreting terrestrial images of urban scenes using discriminative random fields. 21st Congress of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS). Beijing, China 2008, pp. 291-296 Part B3a.
Läbe, T., Dickscheid, T. & Förstner, W. (2008): On the quality of automatic relative orientation procedures. 21st Congress of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS). Beijing, China 2008, pp. 37-42 Part B3b-1.
Mewes, T., Franke, J. & Menz, G. (2008): Multitemporal spectroscopy for crop stress detection using band selection methods. In: Shen, S.S. &.Lewis, P.L (Eds.), Imaging Spectrometry XIII, Proceedings of the SPIE- Optics & Photonics, 2008, 12.-13. August 2008, San Diego, USA. Vol. 7086. doi: 10.1117/12.794719.
Schneevoigt, N.J., van der Linden, S., Kellenberger, T., Kääb, A. & L. Schrott (2008): Object-oriented classification of alpine landforms from an ASTER scene and digital elevation data (Reintal, Germany). IProceedings of the 10th International Symposium on High Mountain Remote Sensing Cartography (HMRSC-X), Kathmandu, Nepal.
Steffen, R. & Förstner, W. (2008): On visual real time mapping for unmanned aerial vehicles. 21st Congress of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. (ISPRS). Beijing, China 2008, pp. 57-62 Part B3a.
Udelhoven, T., Waske, B., van der Linden, S. & Heitz, S. (2008): Landcover classification of hypertemporal data using ensemble systems. IEEE Geosci. and Remote Sens. Symp., IGARSS 2008, Boston, USA.
Waske, B. & Benediktsson, J.A. (2008): Semisupervised classifier ensembles for classifying remote sensing data. IEEE Geosci. and Remote Sens. Symp., IGARSS 2008, Boston, USA.
Peer reviewed:
Braun, M., Hock, R., Schuler, T., Brown, I. & Jackson, M. (2007): Remote Sensing derived glacier facies maps on Engabreen, Norway. IAHS Publ. 318, 126-134.
Franke, J. & Menz, G. (2007): Multitemporal wheat disease detection by multispectral remote sensing. Precision Agriculture 8 (3), 161-172.
van der Linden, S., Janz, A., Waske, B., Eiden, M. & Hostert, P.(2007): Classifying segmented hyperspectral data from a heterogeneous urban environment using support vector machines. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 1, 013543.
Paeth, H. & Thamm, H.-P. (2007): Regional modelling of future African climate including greenhouse warming and land degradation. Climatic Change 83 (3), 401-427.
Voss, K. & Menz, G. (2007): Einsatz der Fourier Transformation zur Verbesserung der Klassifikationsgenauigkeit von teilschlagspezifischen Pflanzenschäden in Zuckerrübenflächen. Photogrammetrie, Fernerkundung, Geoinformation 4, 253-260.
Waske, B. & Benediktsson, J. A. (2007): Fusion of Support Vector Machines for Classification of Multisensor data. IEEE Transaction on Geosciences and Remote Sensing 45 (12), 3858-3866.
Waske, B., Braun, M. & Menz, G. (2007): An object-based speckle filter using multi-sensor remote sensing imagery. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 4 (2), 231- 235.
Book Chapter:
Laudien, R., Röhrig, J., Bareth, G. & Menz, G. (2007): Spatial Decision Support System zur Modellierung der agrarischen Marginalität in Benin (Westafrika). In: Strobl, J., Blaschke, T. & Griesebner, G. (Eds.): Angewandte Geoinformatik 2007. Beiträge zum 19. AGIT Symposium Salzburg (pp. 430-439), Wichmann, Heidelberg.
Thamm, H.-P., Bode, T., Schmitz, M. & Cremers, A.B. (2007): XULU - Eine Java-basierte Plattform für Modellierung von Landbedeckung und Landnutzung. In: Strobl, J., Blaschke, T. & Griesebner, G. (Eds.): Angewandte Geoinformatik 2007. Beiträge zum 19. AGIT Symposium Salzburg, Wichmann, Heidelberg.
Voss, K., Goetzke, R. & Thierfeldt, F. (2007): Integration von angewandten Fernerkundungsmethoden im Schulunterricht der Sekundarstufen I und II. In: Jekel, T., Koller, A. & Strobl, J. (Eds.): Lernen mit Geoinformation II (pp. 183-191), Wichmann, Heidelberg.
Franke, J. & Menz, G. (2007): Identification of site-specific anomalies of crop vigour using simulated endmembers for spectral mixture analyses. In: Stafford, J.V. (Ed.), Proc. of the 6th European Conference on Precision Agriculture, 03-06 June 2007, Skiathos, Greece, 157-164.
Goetzke, R., Judex, M., Braun, M. & Menz, G. (2007): Evaluation of Driving Forces of Land-Use Change and Urban Growth in North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany). Proc. IGARSS Symposium, Barcelona, Spain.
Goetzke, R., Over, M. & Braun, M. (2007): A method to map land-use change and urban growth in North Rhine-Westphalia. Proc. of the 2nd Workshop of the EARSeL Special Interest Group on Remote Sensing of Land Use and Land Cover, 28-30 September 2006, Bonn, Germany, 102-111.
Heinzel, V. (2007): Synergetic use of optical and ERS-2 data for crop yield retrieval. Proc. of the 2nd Workshop of the EARSeL Special Interest Group on Remote Sensing of Land Use and Land Cover, 28-30 September 2006, Bonn, Germany, 240-247.
Heinzel, V., Braun, M. & Menz, G. (2007): Remote Sensing Data Assimilation for regional crop growth modelling. Proc. IGARSS Symposium, Barcelona, Spain.
Heinzel, V., Franke, J. & Menz, G. (2007): Assessment of differences in multi-sensoral remote sensing imageries caused by discrepancies in the relative spectral response functions. Proc. 52. Int. Wissenschaftliches Kolloquiums der TU Ilmenau.
Heinzel, H., Waske, B., Braun, M. & Menz, G. (2007): Estimation of Crop Yield by the Combined use of Optical and Microwave Remote Sensing Time Series. Proc. ESA Envisat Symposium 2007, Montreux, Switzerland.
Janz, A., van der Linden, S., Waske, B. & Hostert, P. (2007): ImageSVM - A used-oriented tool for advanced classification of hyperspectral data using support vector machines. Proc. 5th Workshop of the EARSeL Special Interest Group Imaging Spectroscopy 2007, Bruges, Belgium.
van der Linden, S., Waske, B. & Hostert, P. (2007): Towards an optimized use of the spectral angle space. Proc. 5th Workshop of the EARSeL Special Interest Group Imaging Spectroscopy 2007, Bruges, Belgium.
Voss, K., Goetzke, R., Thierfeldt, F. & Menz, G. (2007): Integrating Applied Remote Sensing Methodology in Secondary Education. Proc. IGARSS Symposium, Barcelona, Spain.
Waske, B., Benediktsson, J.A. & Menz, G. (2007): Fusion of support vector machines for classifying SAR and multispectral imagery from agricultural areas. Proc. IGARSS Symposium, Barcelona, Spain, 2007, invited paper.
Waske, B., Heinzel, V., Braun, M. & Menz, G. (2007): Classification of Segmented SAR and Multispectral Satellite Imagery using Support Vector Machines. Proc. 52. Int. Wissenschaftliches Kolloquiums der TU Ilmenau.
Waske, B., Heinzel, V., Braun, M. & Menz, G. (2007): Random Forests for Classifying Multi-temporal SAR Data. Proc. ESA Envisat Symposium 2007, Montreux, Switzerland.
Waske, B. & Schiefer, S. (2007). Classifying segmented multitemporal SAR data from agricultural areas using support vector machines. Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop of the EARSeL Special Interest Group on Remote Sensing of Land Use and Land Cover, 28-30 September 2006, Bonn, Germany, 48-54.
Peer reviewed:
De Woul, M., Hock, R., Braun, M., Thorsteinsson, T., Jóhannesson, T. & Halldórsdóttir, S. (2006): Firn layer impact on glacial runoff: a case study at Hofsjökull, Iceland. Hydrological Processes 20, 2171–2185.
Over, M., Siegmund, A., Braun, M. & Menz, G. (2006): Monitoring of Land-use and Land-cover in North Rhine-Westphalia by Remote Sensing. Geographische Rundschau International Edition 2 (1), 50-55.
Book Chapters:
Herold, M., Schiefer, S., Hostert, P. & Roberts, D. (2006). Applying Imaging Spectrometry in Urban Areas. In: Quattrochi, D., Weng, Q. (Eds.) Urban Remote Sensing (pp. 137-161). CRC Press Inc.
Braun, M. (ed.) (2006): Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop of the EARSeL Special Interest Group on Remote Sensing of Land Use and Land Cover , 28-30 September 2006, Bonn, Germany.
Diermayer, E., Hostert, P., Schiefer, S. & Damm, A. (2006). Comparing pixel- and object-based classification of imperviousness with HRSC-AX data.Hostert, P., Schiefer, S., Damm, A In: 1st Workshop of the EARSeL Special Intrest Group Urban Remote Sensing "Challenges and Solutions". Berlin, Germany
Franke, J. (2006): Detektion von Stressmerkmalen in Getreidebeständen mittels spektraler Entmischung. 12. Tagungsband Workshop 'Anwendung der Computer-Bildanalyse in der Landwirtschaft, 09. May 2006, Bonn, Germany.
Franke, J., Heinzel, V. & Menz, G. (2006): Assessment of NDVI- differences caused by sensor-specific relative spectral response functions. Proc. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposia, 31. July - 04. August 2006, Denver, USA.
Franke, J. & Menz, G. (2006): Detection of fungal infection in wheat with high-resolution multispectral data. Proceedings of SPIE- Optics & Photonics, 13.-17. August 2006, San Diego, USA.
Franke, J., Menz, G. & Heinzel, V. (2006): NDVI-Unterschiede aufgrund der sensor-spezifischen spectral response functions. Tagungsband der 4. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises Fernerkundung, 10.-11. November 2006, Osnabrück, Germany, 11-23.
Goetzke, R., Braun, M. & Menz, G. (2006): Patterns and driving forces of urban growth in North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany) by intersecting remote sensing and socio-economic data. Proceedings of the EARSeL SIG Workshop “ Urban Remote Sensing”, Berlin 2-3 March 2006.
Goetzke, R., Over, M. & Braun, M. (2006): A method to map land-use change and urban growth in North Rhine-Westphalia. Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop of the EARSeL Special Interest Group on Remote Sensing of Land Use and Land Cover , 28-30 September 2006, Bonn, Germany, 102-111.
Heinzel, V. (2006): Synergetic use of optical and ERS-2 data for crop yield retrieval. Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop of the EARSeL Special Interest Group on Remote Sensing of Land Use and Land Cover , 28-30 September 2006, Bonn, Germany, 240-247.
Heinzel, V., Franke, J. & Menz, G. (2006): Assessment of cross-sensor NDVI-variations caused by spectral band characteristics. Proceedings of the SPIE- Optics & Photonics, 2006, 13.-17. August 2006, San Diego, USA.
Judex, M.; Thamm, H. & Menz, G. (2006): Modelling of land-use changes in a west african catchment. In: N. Kerle & A.K. Skidmore, ed.,' Proceedings of the ISPRS Mid-term symposium 2006: From pixels to processes'.
Laudien, R., Thamm, H.P., Giertz, S., Diekkrüger, B. & Bareth, G. (2006): Customizing ArcGIS for spatial decision support - Case study: Locating potential small water reservoirs in Benin. Proceedings of Spie, Geoinformatics 2006: Geospatial Information Technology, 28-29.10.2006, Wuhan, China, 64210KY, ISSN 0277-786X, ISBN 0-8194-6530-5 .
Moll, A. & Braun, M. (2006): Glacier velocities on King George Island (Antarctica) by DInSAR. Proceedings of IGARSS’06 Symposium, Denver, 2006.
Moll, A., Braun, M. & Lluberas, A. (2006): Determination of glacier velocities on King George Island (Antarctica) by DInSAR. Proceedings of the ESA FRINGE’06 Workshop, Frascati.
Waske, B., Schiefer, S. & Braun, M. (2006): Random feature selection for decision tree classification of multi-temporal SAR data. Proceedings of IGARSS’06 Symposium, Denver, 2006.
Peer reviewed:
Schuler, T., Hock, R., Jackson, M., Elvehoy, H., Braun, M., Brown, I. & Hagen, J.-O. (2005): Distributed mass balance modelling and climate sensitivity modelling of Engabreen, Norway. Annals of Glaciology 41, 395-401.
Thamm, H.-P., Judex, M. & Menz, G. (2005): Modelling of Land-Use and Land-Cover Change (LUCC) in Western Africa using Remote Sensing. Zeitschrift für Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung 3, 191-199.
Weisteiner, C.J. & Kühbauch, W. (2005): Regional yield forecast of malting barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) by NOAA-AVRR remote sensing data and ancillary data. Journal of Agronomy & Crop Sciences 191 (5), 308-320.
Heinzel, V., Waske, W., Braun, M. & Menz (2005): The potential of multitemporal and multisensoral remote sensing data for the extraction of biophysical parameters of wheat. Proc. SPIE Vol. 5976, pp. 404-412. SPIE Europe Bruges, Belgium, September, 2005
Waske, B., Heinzel, V., Braun, M. & Menz, G. (2005): Object-based speckle filtering using multisensoral remote sensing data. Proceedings SPIE Vol. 5980, pp.89-98. SPIE Remote Sensing Europe 19-22 September 2005, Bruges, Belgium.
Peer reviewed:
Braun, M. & Hock, R. (2004): Spatially distributed surface energy balance and ablation modelling on the ice cap of King George Island (Antarctica). Global and Planetary Change 42 (1-4), 45-58.
Braun, M., Saurer, H. & Goßmann, H. (2004): Climate, energy fluxes and ablation rates on the ice cap of King George Island. Pesquisa Antártica Brasileira 4, 87-103. (PDF 514 kB)
Braun, M., Simões, J.C., Vogt, S., Bremer, U.F., Blindow, N., Pfender, M., Saurer, H. Aquino, F.E. & Ferron, F.A. (2004): A new satellite image map for King George Island. Pesquisa Antártica Brasileira 4, 199-203. (PDF 252 kB)
Pichlmaier, M., Aquino, F. E., Santos da Silval, C. & Braun, M. (2004): Suspended sediments in Admiralty Bay, King George Island. Pesquisa Antártica Brasileira 4, 77-85. (PDF 585 kB)
Vogt S. & Braun, M. (2004): Influence of glaciers and snow cover on terrestrial and marine ecosystems as revealed by remotely-sensed data. Pesquisa Antártica Brasileira 4, 105-118. (PDF 503 kB)
Vogt, S., Braun, M. & Jaña, R. (2004): The King George Island Geographic Information System project. Pesquisa Antártica Brasileira 4, 183-85. (PDF 126 kB)
Weissteiner, C.J., Braun, M. & Kühbauch, W. (2004): Synergetic Use of Remote Sensing and Soilborne Data for Regional Yield Predictions of Malting Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). EARSeL e-Proceedings 3 (3), 347-353.
Braun, M. & Herold, M. (2004): Mapping imperviousness using linear spectral unmixing of ASTER data in the Cologne-Bonn region (Germany). SPIE – Remote Sensing Europe, 8-12 September 2003, Almari Hotel, Barcelona, Spain. (PDF 1,4 MB)
Over, M., Moll, A., Schöttker, B., Braun, M. & Menz, G. (2004): Remote sensing as a tool to visualise the land use/-cover and land use/-cover change of the last 25 years in North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany). CORINE Land Cover Workshop Berlin, Jan. 2004. (PDF 330 kB)
Schöttker, B., Over, M., Braun, M., Siegmund, A. & Menz, G. (2004): Remote Sensing as a tool to visualise land use change and to support environmental education. A case study of North Rhine Westphalia (Germany) in the context of the local Agenda21 process. Proceedings of the EARSeL Symposium Gent 2003. (PDF 1,0 MB)
Schöttker, B., Over, M., Braun, M., Siegmund, A. & Menz, G. (2004): State-wide land use change detection using remote change. SPIE – Remote Sensing Europe, 8-12 September 2003, Almari Hotel, Barcelona, Spain. (PDF 0,8 MB)
Weissteiner, C.J., Braun, M. & Kühbauch, W. (2004): Regional yield predictions of malting barley by remote sensing and ancillary data. In: Owe, M., D'Urso, G., Moreno, J.F., Calera, A. (Eds.): Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology V: – Proc. SPIE’s 10th Intern. Symp. on Remote Sensing, 5232, 528-539, Barcelona, Spain, September 8-12, 2003. (PDF 0,9 MB)
Weissteiner, C.J. & Kühbauch, W. (2004): Flächenertragsschätzung durch Fernerkundung im Vorerntezeitraum. GIL Jahrestagung 2004: 355-358
Peer reviewed:
Park, S.J. & Vlek, P.L.G. (2003): Environmental Correlation of Three dimensional Spatial Soil Variability: A Comparison of Three Adaptive Techniques. Geoderma 109.
Schelling, K., Born, K., Weissteiner, C. & Kühbauch, W. (2003): Relationships between yield and quality parameters of malting barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and phenological and meteorological data. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 189, 113-122.
Goossens, R, Schmidt, M., Menz, G. (2003): High resolution DEM and orthophotomap generation from Terra-aster data – case study of Morocco. Proceedings of the 2nd EARSeL SIG Workshop Remote Sensing in Developing Countries, Bonn, Sept. 2002.
Intsiful, J., Kunstmann, H., van de Giesen, N., Vlek, P.L.G., Jung, G. & Allotey, F.K. (2003): Upscaling of Land -Surface Parameters through Inverse SVAT-Modelling. EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, April 2003.
Kühbauch, W. (2003): Remote sensing – A future technology in precision farming. Proc. ESA-ESRIN 14-16 January 2003.
Menz, G., Thamm, H.-P. & Goossens, R. (2003): Proceedings of the 2nd EARSeL SIG Workshop Remote Sensing in Developing Countries. Bonn, 18-20 September 2002, ISBN 2-908885-55-7 .
Over, M., Schöttker, B. Braun, M. & Menz, G. (2003): A comparison of various relative radiometric correction approaches for LANDSAT imagery. Proceedings of the IGARRS Symposium 2003, Toulouse.
Park, S.J., Vescovi, F.D. & Vlek, P.L.G. (2003): Detection of human-induced land cover changes in a savannah landscape in Ghana. II. Identification of the optimum spatial scale for land use change modelling. Proceedings of the 2nd EARSeL SIG Workshop Remote Sensing in Developing Countries, Bonn, Sept. 2002.
Thamm, H.-P. & Braun, M. (2003): Evaluation of GRFM JERS-1 SAR imagery for coarse-scale land cover classification in Benin (West Africa). Proceedings of the 2nd EARSeL SIG Workshop Remote Sensing in Developing Countries, Bonn, Sept. 2002.
Thamm, H.-P., Doevenspeck, M. & Menz, G. (2003): Monitoring and interpretation of land use/land cover changes in the Quémé Catchment, Benin (West Africa) in an integrated approach. Proceedings of the 2nd EARSeL SIG Workshop Remote Sensing in Developing Countries, Bonn, Sept. 2002.
Vescovi, F.D., Park, S.J. & Vlek, P.L.G. (2003): Detection of human-induced land cover changes in a savannah landscape in Ghana. I. Change detection and quantification. Proceedings of the 2nd EARSeL SIG Workshop Remote Sensing in Developing Countries, Bonn, Sept. 2002.
Weissteiner, C.J., Braun, M. & Kühbauch, W. (2003): Regional Yield Forecasts of Maltic Barley by Remote Sensing Data and Ancillary Data. SPIE – Remote Sensing Europe, 8-12 September 2003, Almari Hotel, Barcelona, Spain.
Peer reviewed:
Braun, M., Simões, J.C., Vogt, S., Bremer, U.F., Saurer, H. & Aquino, F.E. (2002): A new satellite Image map of King George Island (South Shetland Islands, Antarctica). Polarforschung 71, 47-48.
Kühbauch, W. (2002): Fernerkundung – eine Zukunftstechnologie im Präzisionspflanzenbau. KTBL-Sonderveröff. 038: „Precision Agriculture“, 79-87, 505-506.
Park, S.J. & Vlek, P.L.G. (2002): Soil-landscape analysis as a tool for sustainable land management. The Geographical Journal of Korea 36, 31-49.
Rau, F. & M. Braun (2002): The regional distribution of the dry-snow zone on the Antarctic Peninsula north of 70ºS. Annals of Glaciology 34, 95–100.
Bücher und Buchkapitel:
Braun, M. & Goßmann, H. (2002): Glacial changes in the area of Admiralty Bay and Potter Cove. In: Beyer, L., Bölter, M. (ed.): Geoecology of Antarctic ice-free coastal landscapes. Ecological Studies Analysis and Synthesis, 154, Springer Verlag, pp. 75-89.
Menz, G., Vescovi, F. D., Duadze, S. & Vlek, P.L.G. (2002): Land use and natural resources (L1); Braimoh, A., Park, S.J., Menz, G., Vescovi, F.D. & Vlek, P.L.G.: Prediction of Land use change (L3); Bagamsah, T., Park, S.J., Fosu, M., van de Giesen, N., Vescovi, F.D. & Vlek, P.L.G.: Vegetation Characterization (L4) In: GLOWA Volta Annual Report 2001.
Vescovi, F.D., Duadze, S. & Vlek, P.L.G. (2002): Use of Remote sensing for land use and natural resources investigations in the Volta Basin., annual report.
Herold, M., Goldstein, N., Menz, G. & K.C. Clark (2002): Remote sensing based analysis of urban dynamics in the Santa Barbara region using the Sleuth urban growth model and spatial metrics. Proceedings of the 22th EARSeL-Symposium, June 2002, Prag.
Kühbauch, W. (2002): Remote sensing – A future technology in precision farming. Proc. of the Symposium on Sustainable development of crop and animal production, Prag, 98-103.
Peer reviewed:
Braun, M., Saurer, H., Vogt, S., Simoes, J. C. & H. Gossmann (2001): The influence of large-scale atmospheric circulation on surface energy balance on the ice cap of King George Island. International Journal of Climatology 21 (1), 21-36.
Braun, M., Simoes, J. C. , Vogt, S., Bremer, U. F., Blindow, N., Pfender, M., Saurer, H. Aquino, F. E. & F. A. Ferron (2001): An improved topographic database for King George Island: compilation, application and outlook. Antarctic Science 13 (1), 41-52.
Hamacher, R., Rademacher, I., Hawlitschka, S. & Kühbauch, W. (2001): Erkennung landwirtschaftlicher Nutzpflanzenbestände mittels multitemporaler ERS 1/2-Radaraufnahmen. Photogrammetrie, Fernerkundung, Geoinformation 2, 119-127.
Hawlitschka, S., Hamacher, M. & Kühbauch, W. (2001): Die Erfassung der schlaginternen Verteilung der frischen Biomasse on Wintergerste mittels Radarfernerkundung. Photogrammetrie, Fernerkundung, Geoinformation 5, 345-352.
Braun, M. & F. Rau (2001): Using a mulit-year data archive of ERS SAR imagery for monitoring snow line positions and ablation patterns on the King George Island ice cap (Antarctica). In: Wunderle & Nagler (eds.): Proceeding of the 2nd EARSeL Workshop - Special Interest Group Land Ice and Snow, June 16-17, 2000, Dresden. EARSeL eProceedings No. 1, Paris. (PDF 2,3 MB)
Braun, M., Rau, F. & J. C. Simoes (2001): A GIS-based glacier inventory for King George Island (Antarctica). Geo-Spacial Information Science Quarterly 4 (2), 15-24. (Proceedings of the SCAR-WGGGI Workshop: "International GIS Workshop on Antarctic King George Island", 6-7 Juli 2000, Wuhan, China.)
Braun, M., Simoes, J. C. , Vogt, S., Bremer, U. F., Blindow, N., Pfender, M., Saurer, H. Aquino, F. E. & F. A. Ferron (2001): The compilation of a DTM and a new satellite image map for King George Island (Antarctica). Geo-Spacial Information Science Quarterly 4 (2), 47-51. (Proceedings of the SCAR-WGGGI Workshop: "International GIS Workshop on Antarctic King George Island", 6-7 Juli 2000, Wuhan, China.)
Institut für Physische Geographie, Universität Freiburg & Laboratório de Pesquisas Antárticas e Glaciológicas, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (2001): King George Island, Satellite Image Map, Scale 1 : 100 000. Cartography: M. BRAUN.
Kühbauch, W. (2001): Anwendungsperspektiven der Fernerkundung in der Landwirtschaft. DFD-Nutzerseminar, ISSN: 1434-8462.
Menz, G., Schmidt, M., Finck, M., & Jürgens, N. (2001): Assessment of spatiotemporal vegetation dynamics in the Drâa catchment using a multisensor approach. Proceedings of the international symposium: Arid Regions Monitored by Satellites: from Observing to Modelling for Sustainable Management, Marrakesh, Marocco.
Rau, F., Braun, M., Friedrich, M., Weber, F. & H. Gossmann (2001): Radar glacier zones and its boundaries as indicators of glacier mass balance and climatic variability. In: Wunderle & Nagler (eds.): Proceedings of the 2nd EARSeL Workshop - Special Interest Group Land Ice and Snow, June 16-17, 2000, Dresden. EARSeL eProceedings No. 1, Paris.
Schmidt, M., Goossens, R. & Menz, G. (2001): Processing techniques for CORONA satellite images in order to generate high-resolution digital elevation models (DEM). Proceedings of the 21 EARSeL Symposium May 2001, Paris, France.
Simoes, J. C., Ferron, F. A., Braun, M., Arigony Neto, J. & F. E. Aquino (submitted): A GIS for the Antarctic Specially Managed Area (ASMA) of Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctica. Geo-Spacial Information Science Quarterly 4 (2), 8-14. (Proceedings of the SCAR-WGGGI Workshop: International GIS Workshop on Antarctic King George Island", 6-7 Juli 2000, Wuhan, China.)
Thamm, H.-P., Schmidt, M., Mévo Guézo, G. & Menz, G. (2001): An integrative management project for efficient and sustainable use of fresh water in western Africa (IMPETUS). Proceedings of the 1st EARSeL Workshop on remote Sensing in Developing Countries. Ghent, Belgium.
Vescovi, F.D. & Menz, G.. (2001). CD-ROM, Hypertext “Modelling vegetation dynamics and biomass in semiarid ecosystems (Eastern Africa) using multisensor approaches”. Ed. RSRG.
Vescovi, F.D. (2001): Classification of African complex environments based on a contextual spatial approach (SPARK). Proc. Of the International Workshop on Geo-Spatial Knowledge Processing for Natural Resource Management, June 28-29, 2001, University of Insubria, Varese (Italy), 371-375.